Katja Aufleger
Orange Money, 2023
still, 4K video, color, sound, 12’59’’ loop

Katja Aufleger
Orange Money, 2023
still, 4K video, color, sound, 12’59’’ loop

Katja Aufleger
Left: Orange Money, 2023, 4K video, color, sound, 12’59’’ loop
Right: Orange Money, 2023, 12 bronze oranges

Katja Aufleger
Orange Money, 2023
12 bronze oranges

Katja Aufleger
Orange Money, 2023 (detail)
cast bronze

Oriol Vilanova
Economical Poem (20 to 10 in 7 movements), 2024
Acrylic on MDF, 60,5 x 45 x 1,2 cm

Oriol Vilanova
Economical Poem (5 to 4 in 9 movements), 2024
Acrylic on MDF, 71,2 x 45 x 1,2 cm

Oriol Vilanova, left: Economical Poem (60 to 40 in 5 movements), 2024, middle: Economical Poem (5 to 4 in 9 movements), 2024, right: Economical Poem (20 to 10 in 7 movements), 2024, acrylic on MDF

Oriol Vilanova
Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014 (detail)
Installation, 1.080 postcards, 320 x 645 cm

Oriol Vilanova
Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014
Installation, 1.080 postcards, 320 x 645 cm

Oriol Vilanova
Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014
Installation, 1.080 postcards, 320 x 645 cm

Ähnliche Artikel: Katja Aufleger, Thomas Jeppe, Oriol Vilanova, Jie Xu, 2024

Left: Jie Xu, Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 9 pieces (detail)
Middle: Thomas Jeppe, Untitled, 2016, ceramic mask, wood
Right: Oriol Vilanova, Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014, Installation, 1.080 postcards (detail)

Thomas Jeppe
Untitled, 2016, ceramic mask, wood
54 x 18 cm

Jie Xu
Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf
Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 10 x 250 cm, 9 pieces

Jie Xu
Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf
Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 10 x 250 cm, 9 pieces

Jie Xu
Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf
Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 10 x 250 cm, 9 pieces (detail)

Jie Xu
Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf
Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 10 x 250 cm, 9 pieces